1. Select a Product: Browse through the beauty care products listed on the page. Each product has an "Add To Cart" button next to its description.
2. Add to Cart: Click the "Add To Cart" button for the product you wish to purchase. This will add the item to your shopping cart.
3. View Cart and Checkout: After adding the desired items to your cart, you can view your cart and proceed to checkout by clicking on the cart icon, typically located at the top right corner of the page.
4. Complete Purchase: At checkout, enter your shipping and payment information, then confirm your order.

1. Product Selection: Choose the specific products you wish to purchase from their listings.
2. Personal Details: Enter your name, email address, and shipping address.
3. Payment Information: Provide payment details such as credit card number, expiration date, and CVV.
4. Shipping Preferences: Select your preferred shipping method if multiple options are available.

During 7 days of receiving the product with keeping the product and the boxing on the same receiving condition.